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. 2017 Jun 30;8:1160. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01160

Table 2.

Summary of the linear mixed models for each morphometric trait (X: Ac, area of the coronal plane; Mu, mass of the uncoated seeds; Mc, mass of the coat; Am, area of the megagametophyte; Ae, area of the embryo) including fire number (left) and tree height (right) as predictors.

Fire number Tree height
Fixed effect Random effect Fixed effect Random effect
Intercept X σ2 τ00,P ICCP R2 Intercept X σ2 τ00,P ICCP R2
Ac B 12,875.67 456.91 14,065.04 −63.57
CI 12,400.57 104.07 6.3e+05 328,067.040 0.340 0.448 13,055.28 149.89 635,792.605 413,595.903 0.394 0.448
13,350.76 809.75 15,074.80 22.75
P <0.001 0.020 <0.001 N.S.
Mu B 12.35 1.32 16.14 −0.22
CI 10.69 0.09 5.755 4.101 0.416 0.499 12.78 −0.50 5.755 4.634 0.446 0.499
4.01 2.55 19.50 0.07
P <0.001 0.050 <0.001 N.S.
Mc B 6.14 0.27 6.90 −0.04
CI 5.48 0.22 1.179 0.623 0.346 0.381 5.64 −0.15 1.179 0.644 0.353 0.381
6.79 0.75 8.17 0.06
P <0.001 N.S. <0.001 N.S.
Am B 4,194,885.83 91,088.68 4,411,950.47 −10,861.92
CI 3,816,414.51 189,999.32 3.48e+11 2.10e+11 0.377 0.405 3,683,511.80 −73,131.5 3.48e+11 2.14e+11 0.382 0.405
45,73357.14 372,176.68 5,140,389.14 51,407.6
P <0.001 N.S. <0.001 N.S.
Ae B 822,495.60 35,547.96 942,648.35 −7,439.31
CI 718,117.20 41,974.54 2.24e+10 1.62e+10 0.419 0.453 743,061.89 −24,501.4 2.24e+10 1.62e+10 0.421 0.453
926,874.00 113,070.47 1,142,234.80 9,622.8
P <0.001 N.S. <0.001 N.S.

B, coefficient value; CI, 95% confidence interval (upper and lower values represent the lower and upper limit, respectively); P, P-value; σ2, within-group (residual) variance; τ00, P, between-group-variance; ICCp, intraclass correlation coefficient; R2, coefficient of determination.