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. 2017 Jun 29;14:24. doi: 10.1186/s12014-017-9160-2

Table 2.

Proteomic changes in white adipose tissue of humans and WT mice

Study design Differentially expressed proteins (gene abbreviations)
Human adipose tissue
Proteomics of 6 subcutaneous white adipose tissue depots (upper abdominal, lower abdominal, thigh, back, flank, and hip) of 6 female subjects [104] Increased Decreased
HB (4 isoforms, back depot) VIM (3 isoforms depot specific) ENO1 (flank depot) HPX (lower versus upper abdominal depot)
ALB (3 isoforms, hip depot) ATP5B (hip, flank and upper abdominal depots) HSP 8 (upper abdominal depot, superficial layer)
HSP-β6 (hip depot, superficial layer) HSP-60 kDa (hip depot) SOD (flank depot)
FABP-4 (2 isoforms, depot and isoform specific increases and decreases)
White adipose tissue C57BL/6J mice
White adipose tissue (inguinal, retroperitoneal, mesenteric and epididymal) proteomics of 6 male mice analyzed at 12 and 24 months old [105] Increased at 24 months Decreased at 24 months
ATP5B ENO1 (2 isoforms) CA-III (2 isoforms) ANXA5
PDHE1-B IDH3α ALB HBB (2 isoforms)
E-FABP CuZn-SOD INS HMW adiponectin
ERP29 PPIA Total adiponectin
APOA4 APOA1 (4 isoforms, 2 depot specific increases)

Proteomic changes in the adipose tissue of human and mouse models, showing depot and isoform specific regulation. For human adipose tissue, the significantly regulated proteins listed are those that are different between depots, not between layers of depots. Differentially expressed proteins between those layers can be found within the original text