Figure 1.
A375 melanoma cell graft and tumor formation on chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM); stereomicroscopy: control, no tumor formation on day 4 [A, (left ring in E)], and day 8 (B); melanoma xenograft at 4 days after cell inoculation-primary tumor [C (black asterisk), E (right ring) and F], secondary tumor onset [C (blue asterisk) and F) secondary tumor (D); 8 days after inoculation, primary tumor [G (black asterisk)], secondary tumor (H); black arrows indicate high vessel density converging towards the tumors. (I) Average areas of tumors obtained on CAM on day 8 of the experiment: primary tumors were 2.2±0.4 mm2 and secondary tumors were 1.5±0.3 mm2.