Figure 2.
(A) Neuroanatomy of the Ae. aegypti olfactory system. Top: larva [13]. Bottom: adult female [13,26]. AN: antennae, GB: germinal bud of adult antennae, ON: olfactory nerve, AL: antennal lobe, CO2: CO2-sensitive receptor neurons and afferents, B: other regions of the brain.
(B) Distribution of chemosensory sensilla in the Ae. aegypti antennae and maxillary palps. B1: larval antennae [27], B2: adult male antennae [13,28], B3: adult female antennae [13,29], B4: adult male maxillary palps and proboscis [13,30-32], B5: adult female maxillary palps and proboscis [13,26,32,33]. ORN: olfactory receptor neurons. GRN: gustatory receptor neurons, including CO2-sensitive receptor neurons.
(C) Confocal scan of the mushroom bodies of Ae. aegypti L4 stage larvae. Anti-DC0 (magenta, used here at a concentration of 1:250) recognizes the catalytic subunit of cAMP dependent protein kinase A in all arthropods investigated thus far [34]. This anti-DC0 was a generous gift from Dr. Daniel Kalderon, Columbia University. A monoclonal antiserum against α-tubulin (cyan, 12G10) was also used at a 1:100 concentration (developed by Drs. J. Frankel and E. M. Nelsen at NICHD, obtained from the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank).