(A) Chemical crosslinking followed by SDS PAGE shows products corresponding to the mass of Cosmc monomer (1), dimer (2), trimer (3), and tetramer (4) for Cosmc and CosmcE152K, while CosmcΔ256 yields only monomer and small amounts of dimer species. Cosmc was treated with either the crosslinker DSG (+), or mock treated (-), along with negative and positive controls, BSA and IgG respectively, for protein oligomerization. (B) BN-PAGE analysis of Cosmc along with monomeric and oligomeric control proteins, BSA and apoferritin, respectively. WT and CosmcE152K show heterogeneous oligomers, while CosmcΔ256 shows a single predominant species. (C) Chemical crosslinking with DSG of full length Cosmc from crude HEK293SC lysates shows monomeric, dimeric, and trimeric species. Cosmc from cell lysates was detected by western blotting.