Correlations of total depressive symptomatology with the mean and emotional modulation of each measure. The patterns of correlations in each panel may be compared with those depicted in Figure 1 to ascertain which models of emotional dysfunction in depression are supported for a given measure. Correlations outside the dashed lines are significant at an α level of .05. Mean = overall mean magnitude (green), +/0 = pleasant minus neutral (blue), −/0 = aversive minus neutral (red), +/− = pleasant minus aversive (purple). n = 65 for skin conductance response, n = 79 for LPP amplitude, n = 83 for postauricular and startle blink reflexes, n = 87 for zygomatic and corrugator EMGs and for pleasantness and arousal ratings. Given the α level of .05, there were more significant correlations than would be expected by chance alone, binomial test p = .005. To clarify these results, each inset diagram displays the patterns of emotional reactivity for participants 1 SD above the mean in depressive symptoms (Hi) compared to all other participants (Lo). Error bars represent the error term of the Valence × Group interaction.