p110α+/− p110β+/− mice have normal insulin-induced Akt activation in liver and muscle. (a) Akt phosphorylation at threonine 308 (pT308) and serine 473 (pS473) and total Akt protein levels in liver and skeletal muscle from 4-month-old wild-type (WT) and p110α+/− p110β+/− mice injected with saline or insulin. (b) Akt activity assays in liver (WT, n = 3 [−insulin] or n = 3 [+insulin]; p110α+/− p110β+/−, n = 3 [−insulin] or n = 6 [+insulin]) and skeletal muscle (WT, n = 2 [−insulin] and n = 3 [+Ins]; p110α+/− p110β+/−, n = 3 [−insulin] or n = 4 [+insulin]) from 4-month-old WT and p110α+/− p110β+/− mice injected with saline or insulin. Results are means ± standard errors of the means and represent one of two experiments. *, P < 0.05 compared to WT. The samples were chosen for similar levels of phosphorylation of the insulin receptor from a total of 18 samples.