Figure 7. Steady propagation of spontaneously evolving ruptures.
(a) Sketch of the specimen configuration showing the field of view and the locations corresponding to the slip-rate curves. (b–d) Slip-rate time histories (averaged over 1 mm) obtained at the three selected locations along the interface, for P=7.4 MPa (b) and P=23 MPa (d) respectively. (c–e) The time histories at locations L1 and L3 are time shifted (respectively, forward and backward) by Δt=d/Vr, where d is the distance between L1 and L2 (and also L2 and L3) and Vr is the rupture speed. The near-perfect overlap of the shifted time histories at locations L1 and L3 with the time history at L2 shows that the ruptures are well developed and propagate in a steady fashion through our field of view.