Table 1.
Between-Subject Study Design | d̄ | V | n | Avg. grade | Delivery method | Goal of study | What was read aloud | Reading material difficulty | Decoding needed | Peer reviewed | Measure |
Bielinski et al. (2001) | 0.28 | 0.003 | 1261 | 3 | HR | C | CP&Q/T | GL | No | No | MAP |
Boyle et al. (2003) | 0.65 | 0.108 | 38 | 10.5 | HR&RHV | C | CP&Q/T | GL | No | Yes | RD |
Fasting & Lyster (2005) | 0.92 | 0.083 | 52 | 6 | TTS | I&C | CP | GL | Yes | Yes | LS60 |
Fletcher et al. (2006) | 0.90 | 0.048 | 91 | 3 | HR | C | PP&Q/T | GL | Yes | Yes | TAKS |
Fletcher et al. (2009) | 0.50 | 0.065 | 62 | 7 | HR | C | PP&Q/T | GL | Yes | Yes | TAKS |
Lange et al. (2006) | 0.77 | 0.083 | 54 | 9.5 | TTS | C | CP&Q/T | GL | No | Yes | NARA* |
Lundberg & Olofsson (1993) | −0.32 | 0.241 | 15 | 5.6 | TTS | I | PP | CR | Yes | Yes | RD |
Meloy et al. (2002) | 1.10 | 0.073 | 62 | 7 | HR | C | CP&Q/T, RA | CL | No | Yes | ITBS |
Roberts et al. (2013) | 0.45 | 0.039 | 164 | 9 | TTS | I | CP | CL | Yes | No | GMRT |
Shany & Biemiller (1995) | 0.81 | 0.209 | 18 | 3.5 | HR | I | CP | CR | Yes | Yes | SAT* |
Within-Subject Study Design | |||||||||||
Dolan et al. (2005) | 1.02 | 0.575 | 9 | 11.5 | TTS | C | CP&Q/T | GL | No | Yes | NAEP |
Elkind et al. (1996) | 0.10 | 0.139 | 50 | 17 | TTS | C | CP&Q/T | GL | No | Yes | NDRT |
Floyd & Judge (2012) | 1.09 | 0.102 | 6 | 17 | TTS | C | CP&Q/T | GL | No | Yes | SAT* |
Higgins & Raskind (1997) | −0.12 | 0.019 | 37 | 13 | TTS | C | CP&Q/T, RA | GL | No | Yes | FRI |
Hodapp et al. (2007) | −0.74 | 0.034 | 27 | 7.5 | TTS | C | CP&Q/T | GL | No | No | JRS |
Kosciolek & Ysseldyke (2000) | 0.53 | 0.073 | 14 | 4 | RHV | C | CP&Q/T | GL | No | No | CAT/5 |
Laitusis( 2010a) | 0.57 | 0.000 | 527 | 4 | RHV | C | CP&Q/T, RA | GL | No | Yes | GMRT |
Laitusis (2010b) | 0.32 | 0.000 | 376 | 8 | RHV | C | CP&Q/T, RA | GL | No | Yes | GMRT |
McCove (2013) | 0.53 | 0.337 | 3 | 10 | TTS | I&C | CP | GL | Yes | No | STAR |
Meyer & Bouck (2014) | −0.21 | 0.143 | 3 | 7.6 | TTS | C | CP&Q/T | GL | No | Yes | SWP |
Schmitt et al. (2011a) | 0.23 | 0.063 | 25 | 7 | TTS | C | CP | GL | Yes | Yes | TRL |
Sorrell et al. (2007) | −0.16 | 0.078 | 4 | 4 | TTS | C | CP | CR | Yes | Yes | AR |
Thurlow et al. (2010) | −0.32 | 0.011 | 44 | 6.7 | RP | C | PP&Q/T | GL | Yes | No | GSRT |
Note: * = researcher modified, d̄ = effect size, v = variance, n = number of subjects, CP = complete passages, PP = partial passages, Q/T = questions/test(s), RA = explicitly stated that they could request oral reading material on questions, passages or comprehension tests, GL = grade level, CR = student’s reading level, CR = student’s reading level, HR = human reader, C = compensation, I = intervention, RHV = recorded human voice, TTS = text-to-speech, RP = reading pen, MAP = Missouri Assessment Program, TAKS = Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, FRI = Formal Reading Inventory, RD = Researcher Developed, NARA* = Modified Neale Analysis of Reading Ability II, ITBS = Iowa Test of Basic Skills the reading comprehension part, GMRT = Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests, NAEP = NCES U.S. History and Civics tests, NDRT = Nelson-Denny Reading Test, LS60 = Test of Silent Sentence Reading, CTBS = Canadian Test of Basic Skills reading comprehension part, SAT* = SAT Critical Readings, TRL = Timed Readings in Literature, AR = Accelerated Reader, STAR = STAR Reading Assessment Test, SWP = Six Way Paragraphs Middle Level, CAT/5 = California Achievement Test 5th Edition comprehension part, GSRT = The Gray Silent Reading Test, JRS = Jamestown Reading Series.