Fig. 3.
Mutants altered in NF perception also are altered in RKN perception. (A) Proportion of wavy root hairs formed in response to nematode signaling. (B) Root-hair phenotype 4 h after exposure to RKN showing wavy growth (arrowheads). (C) Proportion of branched root hairs formed in response to RKN. (D) Root-hair phenotype 24 h after exposure to RKN showing branching (arrow); nfr mutants display only a wavy growth pattern (arrowhead). (E) Root hairs treated with RKN suspension supernatant display a wavy growth pattern; dead nematodes do not alter polar root-hair growth. The number of wavy root hairs 4 h after exposure to RKN was significantly different (P = 2.68 × 10-7, independent Student's t test) than after exposure to deionized water. (Bars, 50 μm.)