Fig. 2.
MSP58 binds to the C terminus of PTEN through the MSP58 FHA domain. Lysates of 293T cells, transfected with various combinations of GFP-tagged (PTEN, full-length, amino acids 1–403; NPTEN, amino acids 1–202; PTENC, amino acids 186–403) and Flag-tagged (MSP58, full-length, amino acids 1–462; N-MSP58, amino acids 1–290; MSP58-C, amino acids 290–462) expression plasmids, were used in a coimmunoprecipitation (IP) assay. (A) Lysates of 293T cells were subjected to coimmunoprecipitation with anti-GFP antibody-conjugated agarose beads. Coimmunoprecipitated products were detected by immunoblotting with anti-Flag antibody. For confirmation of IP efficiency, the membrane was stripped and reprobed with anti-GFP antibody. (B) Lysates were incubated with anti-Flag antibody-conjugated agarose. Coimmunoprecipitated products were detected by immunoblotting with anti-GFP horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated antibody. For confirmation of IP efficiency, the membrane was stripped and reprobed with anti-Flag HRP-conjugated antibody.