Figure 1.
Targeting of HIF-1α gene. (a) Targeting strategy to create HIF-1α allele. (b) PCR analysis of DNA isolated from tails of HIF-1α-KO mice showing WT, heterozygous (HIF-1αflox/-), and homozygous genotypes (HIF-1αflox/flox) for the conditional targeted allele. (c) PCR analysis of DNA isolated from tails of HIF-1α-KO mice showing Cre- and Cre+ genotypes. (d) HIF-1α messenger RNA expressions in various tissues of WT and HIF-1α-KO mice. HIF-1α: Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α; WT: Wild-type; PCR: Polymerase chain reaction; KO: Knockout. *P < 0.05.