Fig. 2.
The prokaryotic toxin Kid and antitoxin Kis are functional in zebrafish. (A and B) High concentrations of Kid result in rapid embryonic lethality in embryos injected with kid-nos1 3′-UTR RNA. (C and D) Embryonic development is not affected by high levels of somatically expressed antidote kis-glo UTR RNA. The deleterious effect of 5 pg of Kid on somatic cell development is counteracted efficiently by 1 pg of kis-glo UTR for up to 24 hpf (E), but not at 48 hpf (F). (G and H) A ratio of 1:1 pg of kid-nos1 3′UTR/kis-glo UTR mRNAs allows proper somatic development during the first 2 days of development. (I and J) Quantitative representation of Kid-induced somatic phenotypes during the first 2 days of development.