Fig. S1.
Ovary morphology of the whitefly B. tabaci and localization of virus in different tissues of MEAM1 whitefly. (A) Ovary (upper lane) of whiteflies at different developmental stages and oocyte (lower lane) at different developmental phases. Stage I, freshly emerged whitefly; stage II, 1–2 DAE; stage III, 3–10 DAE; and stage IV, 11–14 DAE. There was no yolk protein in phase I oocyte. The yolk content of oocyte gradually increased at phases II, III, and IV. (Scale bar, 0.10 mm.) (B) Localization of PaLCuCNV in ovaries of MEAM1 whiteflies at different developmental stages. Green, anti-PaLCuCNV CP. Blue (DAPI), cell nucleus. (C–E) The proportion of TYLCV or PaLCuCNV (PaL)-positive midguts (MGs) (C), primary salivary glands (PSGs) (D), and ovaries (E). MGs (n = 24), PSGs (n = 24), and ovary (n = 24). Mean ± SEM from three experiments. P < 0.05 (one-way ANOVA, LSD test). White arrows indicate mature oocytes in ovaries. Red arrows indicate dissected ovariole.