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. 2017 Jul 3;12(7):e0180298. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180298

Table 3. Regression analyses for the social anxiety disorder and specific phobia groups testing whether the relationship between general anxiety at baseline and at follow-up is moderated by avoidance behavior between baseline and follow-up.

Predictor Baseline SAD
(n = 91)
Baseline SP
(n = 130)
b SE R2 b SE R2
    General anxiety baseline 0.491*** 0.091 .840 0.492*** 0.082 .881
    Avoidance 0.151* 0.072 .118 0.047 0.038 .051
    General anxiety baseline × Avoidance 0.012 0.009 .042 0.012* 0.005 .068
    Intercept 6.801*** 0.591   4.707*** 0.419

Note. SAD = social anxiety disorder. SP = specific phobia. General anxiety baseline and Avoidance were mean-centered prior to the analyses.

*p < .05.

***p < .001 (2-tailed).