Figure 2.
Editing in CYFIP2 transcripts. (a) Some of the publicly available expressed sequences covering this gene, together with the corresponding genomic sequence. A total of 23 sequences are available for this locus, two of which are edited. Both edited sequences originate from brain tissues. (b) Results of sequencing experiments. Matching human DNA and cDNA sequences for human brain and prostate cDNA. As in Figure 1, editing is characterized by a trace of guanosine in the cDNA RNA sequence, where the DNA sequence exhibits only adenosine signals. Sequencing data for more tissues are available in Supplementary Figure. In the brain, the editing signal surpasses the original adenosine signal, but in other tissues it is very weak. (c) Sequences of individually cloned fragments from matching DNA and RNA of mouse brain tissues and chicken brain and liver tissues. Only part of the data is shown. A total of eight mouse brain cDNA clones were sequenced and all of them were edited. Nine chicken brain cDNA clones were sequenced, out of which four were edited. In contrast, none of the eight chicken liver cDNA clones was edited. These results suggest that editing of this site might be brain specific, in agreement with the data for human tissues presented in the previous panel. Similar results for the other two substrates are provided as Supplementary Material.