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. 2016 Apr 22;30(7):912–919. doi: 10.5713/ajas.15.0941

Table 3.

Coding sequences similarity analysis and values of pair wise comparison of interleukin-32 gene among different species

Goat Sheep Bison Camel Buffalo Human Cat Cow Rabbit Dog Horse
Goat - 96.54 91.97 58.39 56.50 56.13 56.59 55.95 53.41 50.97 54.04
Sheep 96.54 - 91.97 50.87 52.81 43.94 55.41 51.43 49.35 49.13 55.19
Bison 91.97 91.97 - 48.91 52.55 45.99 54.50 50.12 50.36 49.88 54.99
Camel 58.39 50.87 48.91 - 60.87 53.76 57.56 56.90 51.14 52.38 53.62
Buffalo 56.50 52.81 52.55 60.87 55.91 60.98 81.43 53.66 55.49 54.27
Human 56.13 43.94 45.99 53.76 55.91 - 58.28 54.29 52.47 53.76 57.42
Cat 56.59 55.41 54.50 57.56 60.98 58.28 - 59.29 55.43 63.18 57.79
Cow 55.95 51.43 50.12 56.90 81.43 54.29 59.29 - 48.81 56.90 55.00
Rabbit 53.41 49.35 50.36 51.14 53.66 52.47 55.43 48.81 - 52.71 49.90
Dog 50.97 49.13 49.88 52.38 55.49 53.76 63.18 56.90 52.71 - 55.42
Horse 54.04 55.19 54.99 53.62 54.27 57.42 57.79 55.00 49.90 55.42 -

Similar values in the under triangle (%).