Fig. 1.
Antenatal Beta abolishes the inhibitory effect of Ang-(1–7) on sodium uptake in male but not female RPTC. Na+ uptake in RPTC from male (vehicle-treated, n = 6; Beta, n = 8) and female (vehicle-treated, n = 4; Beta, n = 9) animals was expressed as increase in fluorescence relative to added Na+. RPTC were untreated (Basal; ○) or preincubated with 1 pM Ang-(1–7) (●) or 1 pM Ang-(1–7) and 10 µM d-Ala (▲) as indicated. Values are means ± SE. *P < 0.05 vs. untreated cells. Na 0, Na+ concentration = 0 mM.