Items (n = 46) required for ‘Good quality of PPC’ |
Greets the mother/companion respectfully and introduces her/himself |
Tells the mother what is going to be done |
Encourages the mother/partner to express her/their health |
Asks the mother how she is feeling during the current postpartum period |
Asks the mother whether her or the baby has had any problems since birth |
Asks the mother how the baby is breastfeeding during the current period |
Checks the mother’s record or asks for relevant history about her baby’s birth (date, mode, complications) |
Checks the mother’s record or asks for result of her RPR test |
Checks the mother’s record or asks for result of her HIV test |
Checks for the mother’s PMTCT records: cluster of differentiation 4 (CD 4) count, stage of disease |
Checks the mother’s record or asks for a record of her tetanus toxoid (T.T): T.T.1, T.T.2, T.T.3, T.T.4, T.T.5 |
Checks the mother’s record or asks for the records of her OPV, BCG and D.P.T-Hep.B+Hib (Penta valent) |
Checks for drugs in use such as AZT, Vitamin A |
Observes the mother’s general appearance |
Uses antiseptic hand rub or washes hands thoroughly |
Takes her vital signs |
Checks her conjunctiva for pallor |
Examines her breasts |
Palpates uterus for size, firmness, and tenderness |
Puts gloves on, examines perineum for amount of lochia, condition of any tears or episiotomy, haemorrhoids, or other lesions |
Assesses bladder function |
Performs infection prevention procedures |
Checks the baby’s color |
Checks the baby’s breathing |
Checks the baby is able to breastfeed |
Checks the baby’s temperature |
Weighs the baby |
Examines from head to toe, checking for abnormalities |
Assesses for irritability, tearfulness, and lability of mood |
Assesses for past or present history of mental health |
Asks about partner’s relationship and misunderstandings |
Identifies problems based on history and examination, and acts accordingly |
Provides counselling about hygiene (herself and the baby) |
Provides counselling about malaria prevention (use of ITN) and helminths |
Provides counselling on voluntary testing of HIV (if not done before) |
Observes and counsels on breastfeeding |
Insists on importance of exclusive breastfeeding or alternative feeding |
Provides counselling about danger signs in the newborn period |
Provides newborn immunization (if not done) |
Encourages mother to ask questions about newborn and answers them properly |
Informs mother/father of date for next visit |
Documents findings |
Continually informs mother of findings |
Encourages mother to ask questions and responds accordingly |
Makes mother/support person feel at ease |
Verbal and non-verbal communication indicates interest |
Additional items (n = 13) required for ‘Excellent quality of PPC’ |
Encourages accompanying person to join if mother wants |
Checks baby’s ability to play/move |
Asks about available social support system during postpartum period |
Assesses for family history of perinatal mental disorder |
Provides counselling about complication readiness, including danger signs |
Provides counselling about nutrition, including iron supplementation |
Provides counselling about rest and sleep |
Provides counselling about safer sex and sexually transmitted infections (including HIV) |
Provides counselling about sexuality and sexual practice resumption |
Provides immunization and preventive therapy (iron, vitamin A, TT) |
Provides counselling about family planning and methods of choice |
Probes the mother/support person for experiences of or exposure to domestic violence |
Informs on what to do if the newborn experiences danger signs |