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. 2017 May 12;10(1):1295697. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2017.1295697
Items (n = 46) required for ‘Good quality of PPC’
Greets the mother/companion respectfully and introduces her/himself
Tells the mother what is going to be done
Encourages the mother/partner to express her/their health
Asks the mother how she is feeling during the current postpartum period
Asks the mother whether her or the baby has had any problems since birth
Asks the mother how the baby is breastfeeding during the current period
Checks the mother’s record or asks for relevant history about her baby’s birth (date, mode, complications)
Checks the mother’s record or asks for result of her RPR test
Checks the mother’s record or asks for result of her HIV test
Checks for the mother’s PMTCT records: cluster of differentiation 4 (CD 4) count, stage of disease
Checks the mother’s record or asks for a record of her tetanus toxoid (T.T): T.T.1, T.T.2, T.T.3, T.T.4, T.T.5
Checks the mother’s record or asks for the records of her OPV, BCG and D.P.T-Hep.B+Hib (Penta valent)
Checks for drugs in use such as AZT, Vitamin A
Observes the mother’s general appearance
Uses antiseptic hand rub or washes hands thoroughly
Takes her vital signs
Checks her conjunctiva for pallor
Examines her breasts
Palpates uterus for size, firmness, and tenderness
Puts gloves on, examines perineum for amount of lochia, condition of any tears or episiotomy, haemorrhoids, or other lesions
Assesses bladder function
Performs infection prevention procedures
Checks the baby’s color
Checks the baby’s breathing
Checks the baby is able to breastfeed
Checks the baby’s temperature
Weighs the baby
Examines from head to toe, checking for abnormalities
Assesses for irritability, tearfulness, and lability of mood
Assesses for past or present history of mental health
Asks about partner’s relationship and misunderstandings
Identifies problems based on history and examination, and acts accordingly
Provides counselling about hygiene (herself and the baby)
Provides counselling about malaria prevention (use of ITN) and helminths
Provides counselling on voluntary testing of HIV (if not done before)
Observes and counsels on breastfeeding
Insists on importance of exclusive breastfeeding or alternative feeding
Provides counselling about danger signs in the newborn period
Provides newborn immunization (if not done)
Encourages mother to ask questions about newborn and answers them properly
Informs mother/father of date for next visit
Documents findings
Continually informs mother of findings
Encourages mother to ask questions and responds accordingly
Makes mother/support person feel at ease
Verbal and non-verbal communication indicates interest
Additional items (n = 13) required for ‘Excellent quality of PPC’
Encourages accompanying person to join if mother wants
Checks baby’s ability to play/move
Asks about available social support system during postpartum period
Assesses for family history of perinatal mental disorder
Provides counselling about complication readiness, including danger signs
Provides counselling about nutrition, including iron supplementation
Provides counselling about rest and sleep
Provides counselling about safer sex and sexually transmitted infections (including HIV)
Provides counselling about sexuality and sexual practice resumption
Provides immunization and preventive therapy (iron, vitamin A, TT)
Provides counselling about family planning and methods of choice
Probes the mother/support person for experiences of or exposure to domestic violence
Informs on what to do if the newborn experiences danger signs