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. 2017 May 12;15:789–800. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.05.005

Table 1.

Demographics and clinical data of subjects with dyskinetic cerebral palsy and healthy age and sex matched controls.

CP group Control group
n (female/male)
15/18 15/18
Mean (SD)/range
24.42 (12.61)/6–59 24.42 (12.44)/7–59
Gestational age
n (< 32 weeks/32–36 weeks/≥37 weeks)
2/4/27 0/0/33
Epilepsy status
n (no epilepsy/active/resolved)
23/8/2 33/0/0
Aetiology, n

HIE 14
Intra-cranial haemorrhage/infarction/hydrocephalus 3
Infection 1
Kernicterus 1
Unclassifiable 14
Gross motor function (GMFCS) (n) I (12)
II (6)
III (3)
IV (5)
V (7)
Fine motor function (MACS) (n) I (5)
II (8)
III (11)
IV (2)
V (7)
Communication (CFCS) (n) I (14)
II (13)
III (2)
IV (4)
V (0)
Motor distribution (tetraplegia/hemiplegia/monoplegia) 28/4/1

CFCS: Communication function classification system; CP: cerebral palsy; GMFCS: Gross motor function classification system; HIE: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; MACS: Manual ability classification system; SD: standard deviation.