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. 2017 May 15;60(2):185–199. doi: 10.1007/s00267-017-0870-z

Table 3.

Summary of governance and planning characteristics for each case

Characteristics Garba Tula Gomole Il’Ngwesi
Definition of the landscape Predefined Predefined Predefined
 Criteria for definition Traditional territory (dheeda)/administrative unit (sub-county) Traditional territory (dheeda) Traditional territory (several I’nkutot joined together)
Landscape-level governance mechanism(s) Dheeda council Rangeland council Highest authority is the Group Ranch Committee. Below this are the ICT, and the Il’Ngwesi Company Ltd.
Authority and governance powers possessed by the landscape governance mechanism(s) Distribution of authority is unclear and contested Advisory role only Full tenure, decision-making and implementation powers
Governance by whom Communities Communities Communities
 Form of participation and representation Representation by communities (wards within the sub-county) Representation by communities (Pastoralist Associations within the rangeland unit) Representation by communities (localities within the group ranch)
Multi-level planning approach Planning done at landscape level and lower levels is integrated in an ad hoc way Planning mostly done above and below landscape level Land use planning done at the group ranch level; monitoring carried out at village level
Involvement of women No women or other ethnic groups on dheeda council Women have direct representation on the Rangeland Council Special seats provided for women’s representation in key group ranch organs