Table 3.
Summary of governance and planning characteristics for each case
Characteristics | Garba Tula | Gomole | Il’Ngwesi |
Definition of the landscape | Predefined | Predefined | Predefined |
Criteria for definition | Traditional territory (dheeda)/administrative unit (sub-county) | Traditional territory (dheeda) | Traditional territory (several I’nkutot joined together) |
Landscape-level governance mechanism(s) | Dheeda council | Rangeland council | Highest authority is the Group Ranch Committee. Below this are the ICT, and the Il’Ngwesi Company Ltd. |
Authority and governance powers possessed by the landscape governance mechanism(s) | Distribution of authority is unclear and contested | Advisory role only | Full tenure, decision-making and implementation powers |
Governance by whom | Communities | Communities | Communities |
Form of participation and representation | Representation by communities (wards within the sub-county) | Representation by communities (Pastoralist Associations within the rangeland unit) | Representation by communities (localities within the group ranch) |
Multi-level planning approach | Planning done at landscape level and lower levels is integrated in an ad hoc way | Planning mostly done above and below landscape level | Land use planning done at the group ranch level; monitoring carried out at village level |
Involvement of women | No women or other ethnic groups on dheeda council | Women have direct representation on the Rangeland Council | Special seats provided for women’s representation in key group ranch organs |