Global Identification of Negative Regulators of BaGTA
(A) Differences in Tn insertions between a wild-type (wt) (blue marks) and a ΔBaGTA strain (gray marks) are shown for a subset of the identified negative regulators of BaGTA.
(B) Correlating with the induction of BaGTA, cellular ppGpp levels are lowest at 6 hr post inoculation in M199. The mean values from a biological triplicate and their associated SEs are displayed.
(C) Genome-wide HGT mapped by TnSeq from the donor output library. The global Tn insertion density fitted as bidirectional exponential decay functions (red line, see STAR Methods) reveals two maxima of transfer: a narrow peak centered on the Bartonella prophage (BAP) and a broad peak centered at the origin of run of replication (OriROR). See also Figure S1.
(D) Identification of the OriROR based on the Tn insertion ratio between input and output libraries within intergenic sequences. The genome annotation track with Tn insertions recovered from the control experiment (gray bars) and the donor experiment (blue bars) are indicated.