Table 1. Physiotherapy services in home and community in India .
Title | Health condition | Objective | Type of study | Sample size | Physiotherapy Intervention | Outcome | Limitations |
Effect of home-based exercise program on lymphedema and quality of life in female post mastectomy patients: Pre-post intervention study30 | Lymphedema post mastectomy | To evaluate the effects of a home-based exercise program on lymphedema and QOL of breast cancer patients | Pre-post intervention study | n = 32 | Patient education Home exercises supervised initially by the physiotherapist, later exercise handout and logbook; weekly telephonic monitoring |
Improved Quality-of-Life and reduced swelling in the upper limbs | Small sample size, no control group |
*Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of telephone-based support versus usual care for treatment of pressure ulcers in people with spinal cord injury in low-income and middle-income countries: study protocol for a 12-week randomised controlled trial31 | Pressure ulcers post spinal cord injury | To determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of telephone-based support to help people with spinal cord injury manage pressure ulcers at home in India and Bangladesh | Multicentre, prospective, assessor-blinded, randomised controlled trial | n=120 | Control group: usual community care and an information pamphlet Intervention group: In addition to above care, they will receive 15-25 min/ week for 12 weeks telephonic consultation with a trained physiotherapist or nurse on pressure ulcer management |
Primary: Size of pressure ulcer Secondary: Severity, depth and undermining distance of pressure ulcer, depression, quality of life |
Clinicians and patients not blinded |
Effect of amitriptyline vs. physiotherapy in management of fibromyalgia syndrome: What predicts a clinical benefit?32 | Fibromyalgia | To compare physiotherapy and amitriptyline for disability reduction in patients with fibromyalgia & to determine which clinical features at baseline would predict benefit with either therapy | Different treatment allocation to both groups | n=156 (82: amitriptyline; 74: physiotherapy) |
Structured physical training-relaxation, stretching and strengthening exercises, Aerobic exercises, At least 10 minutes of home exercises daily, Monthly follow ups for 6 months | Decreased scores on Fibromyalgia Impact questionnaire in both groups after 6 months | Small sample size No control group |
FAmily-Led RehabiliTaTion aftEr Stroke in INDia: the ATTEND pilot study4 | Stroke | To check the feasibility of conducting a large-scale study of family-led, trained caregiver-delivered, home-based stroke rehabilitation | Randomized controlled trial | n = 104 | Control group: usual community care Intervention group: a stroke rehabilitation package of care that starts in hospital and continues at home by the caregiver who is trained by an experienced nurse or physiotherapist, including regular home visits for 2 months- telephone follow ups if home visits are not possible |
It is feasible to conduct a trial using an intervention of an empowered caregiver to give home-based rehabilitation after stroke | |
*Family-led rehabilitation after stroke in India: the ATTEND trial, study protocol for a randomized controlled trial3 | Stroke | To test the effectiveness of a family-led caregiver-delivered home-based low-cost rehabilitation intervention for stroke patients in India | Randomized controlled trial | n = 2400 | Same as above | Home based rehabilitation after hospital discharge will be safe and cost effective | |
Impact of physical therapy on burden of caregivers of individuals with functional disability33 | Chronic disabling health conditions | To evaluate the effects of a tailored physical therapy intervention, or caregiver education, on the caregivers’ burden | Randomized controlled trial | n=66 (Control: 24, intervention: 21; caregiver education: 21) |
Control group: no treatment Intervention group: 1 month tailored intervention-3-5 days a week for 20-60 minutes Caregiver education: only caregiver education; 2 days a week-10-30 minutes |
Significant reduction in all three groups; no significant findings between groups however trends of reduced caregiver stress and burden in intervention group | Heterogenous groups, Telephone interviews for follow up may have biased results |
Effect of CDT and home program on health- related quality of life in post mastectomy lymphedema patients34 | Lymphedema post mastectomy | To evaluate the effect of adding an exercise component and a home program to complete decongestive therapy (CDT) on Health related quality of life in post mastectomy lymphedema patients | Randomized controlled trial | n = 60 (30 in each group) |
Control group: manual lymphatic drainage, low elastic compression garment, glenohumeral mobilization, deep breathing exercises and massage strokes; 5 times a week for 6 weeks. Intervention group: manual lymphatic drainage, compression garment worn 23 h daily, remedial exercises and a home program(self -lymphatic drainage, skin care and the remedial exercises) by a trained physiotherapist, including information booklets and logs. |
There was improvement in pain (as measured using Visual Analogue Scale) and quality of life (as measured using European Organization of Research and Treatment for Cancer) in both groups, intervention more than control. | Small sample size, No long-term follow up, Lack of random assignment |
*In progress.