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. 2017 Jun 14;7(3):128–133. doi: 10.15171/hpp.2017.24

Table 1. Students’ characteristics, tobacco use behavior and perceptions, and exposure to school-based tobacco use prevention education .

Demographics No. (%) a
Male 4822 (48)
Female 5214 (52)
13 years old 3220 (32)
14 years old 3755 (37)
15 years old 3137 (31)
8th grade 3106 (31)
9th grade 3563 (35)
10th grade 3390 (34)
Tobacco Use Behavior and Intention
Adolescent Study Participants: Current Tobacco Use
Any tobacco Use 1295 (14)
Smoking (e.g. cigarette or bidi) 707 (8)
Other tobacco use (e.g. chewing) 845 (9)
Adolescent Study Participants: Tobacco Use Intention
At any time during the next 12 months, do you think you will smoke a cigarette
Definitely not 8653 (85)
Probably not/ probably yes 1250 (12)
Definitely yes 135 (2)
Do you think you will be smoking cigarettes 5 years from now
Definitely not 8669 (85)
Probably not/ probably yes 1289 (13)
Definitely yes 135 (2)
If one of your best friends offered you a cigarette, would you smoke it
Definitely not 8574 (85)
Probably not/ probably yes 1161 (12)
Definitely yes 262 (3)
Parental smoking
Both parents smoke 506 (5)
Only father smokes 1971 (19)
Only mother smokes 199 (2)
Students’ perceptions
Boys who smoke cigarettes have more Friends 2486 (25)
Girls who smoke cigarettes have more Friends 1380 (14)
Smoking cigarettes makes Boys look more Attractive 2275 (23)
Smoking cigarettes makes Girls look more Attractive 1621 (16)
Smoking makes you lose weight 7278 (72)
Smoking makes you gain weight 746 (8)
Students’ knowledge
Smoking cigarettes is harmful 8433 (83)
Smoke from other people’s cigarettes is harmful 8076 (80)
Once some has started smoking, it would be difficult to quit 4392 (43)
Chewing tobacco is harmful 8111(80)
Exposure to School Based Prevention Education
Frequency of education
Never discussed smoking and health as part of a lesson 4805 (48)
Discussed smoking and health as part of a lesson (this term) 2392 (24)
Discussed smoking and health as part of a lesson (previous terms) 2882 (28)
Content of education
Discussed during this year in class why people of your age smoke 3834 (38)
Discussed during this year in class the effects of smoking (e.g. yellow teeth and bad smell) 5623 (56)
Taught during this year in class about the dangers of smoking 6457 (64)

a Percent values rounded to the closest digit and numbers may not add up to 100% due to missing values. N[total participants] = 10 112.