Fig. 5. Insertion of 1.6881A and 1.6883C on 2L partially rescue males with a lethal 2L deficiency.
Recovery of Df(2)22A2 male larvae increases when [1.6881A]22A3, [roX1+1.6881A]22A3, [1.6883C]22A3 or [roX1+1.6883C]22A3 is present on the intact homolog (hatched bars). The ratio of male larvae carrying Df(2)22A2 to brothers with an intact 2nd chromosome is presented. Recovery of males with no transgene or [roX1]22A3 is redrawn from Fig. 4D. Ectopic expression of 1.6883F siRNA (black) enhances recovery when 1.6881A or 1.6883C DNA is present on the homolog. The mating strategy is presented in Figure S7A, C. See Figure S1 for transgene composition and Figure S4 for comparison of 1.688X sequences used. Error bars represent SEM. ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.