Extended Data Fig. 8. MD simulation root-mean-square-fluctuation (RMSF) analyses.
(a) Cα RMSF values for SusC in holo and apo complexes with the conformational fluctuations of the hinge loop L7 highlighted separately. (b) Cα RMSF values for SusD in apo and holo simulations. Simulations are numbered as in Extended Data Fig. 6: sim1-3, apo BT2263-64 (dimer); sim7-9, apo BT2261-64 (tetramer); sim13, apo (BT2261-64)x2 (octamer); sim4-6, holo BT2263-64; sim10-12, holo BT2261-64; sim14, holo (BT2261-64)x2.