Extended Data Fig. 10. ITC analysis of levan binding for recombinant BT1762 SusD-like wild-type and mutants.
a, Titration curves from single experiments. Upper panels show raw injection heats of ligand (levan) into protein, lower panels show the integrated binding heats fit to a single set of sites binding model to determine Ka for all proteins except reduced wild-type (10 mM TCEP), W85A and C298A mutants that display no binding. Levan stock solution was between 0.5-2% (w/v) and protein ranged from 50-60 μM. b, Levan affinity of recombinant BT1762 SusD-like wild type and mutant proteins determined by ITC. Ka values shown are averages and standard deviations from at least two independent titrations. Residue numbering is that of the mature protein (first residue Cys1).