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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2017 Jul-Aug;25(4):159–169. doi: 10.1097/HRP.0000000000000136

Table 2. PTSD prevalence in primary care populations.

Study N of completed PTSD assessment PTSD ascertainment tool Mean questionnaire scores (SD) Cutoff scores Time period of PTSD symptoms measured PTSD Prevalence
Point Lifetime Medical records/claims
Stein et al. (2000)17 368 PCL-C 29.7 (12.5) 4 or 5 on at least 1 “B” criteria, at least 2 “C” criteria, and at least 1 “D” criteria Past month 9%
Applegate (2001)18 431 DIS-IV N/A N/A Past month 10% 21.6%
Taubman-Ben-Ari et al. (2001)19 2,975 PTSD Inventory from Soloman et al. 1987 59 Not reported Not reported Past month 23%
Carey et al. (2003)20 220 Adapted CIDI N/A N/A Past month 19.9% (16.7% male, 21.9% female) 44.3% (42.3% male; 45.5% female)
Thulesius et al. (2004)21 1,113 PTSS-10 and IES and 7 additional items re: hyperarousal symptoms Not reported >35 for IES and >5 for PTSS-10 Past few days 6.5%
Gillock et al. (2005)22 232 PCL-C plus additional items to assess DSM-IV criteria E and F “Life Events Checklist” Not reported If met criteria A through F Past month 9% full PTSD/25% partial PTSD
Gomez-Benevto et al. (2006)23 295 CIDI N/A N/A Past month and lifetime 9% 14.5%
Kroenke et al. (2007)24 965 SCID N/A N/A Past month 8.6%
Liebschutz et al. (2007)25 509 CIDI N/A N/A “[C]urrent past 12 mo and lifetime PTSD documented from CIDI” 23% (95% CI,19-26%) 34% 11%
Peltzer et al. (2007)26 250 PCL-C, interview administered; Trauma History Questionnaire M 3.5 (SD not provided) 3+ (“cluster scoring”) Past month 12.4%
Cwikel et al. (2008)27 976 “PTSD Checklist--21 items” Not reported Not reported Not reported 2.9%
Fedovskiy et al. (2008)28 105 Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale “structured interview” Not reported ≥28 out of 49 Past month 19%
Fogarty et al. (2008)29 367 Short screen from Breslau et al.60 Not reported 4+ Past month 14.6%
Duran et al. (2009)30 234 CIDI N/A N/A Past year 14.5%
Freedy et al. (2010)31 411 CAPS (modified for telephone interview rather than face-to-face) N/A N/A Past month 32.1% (19.4% male; 34.8% female)
Gaynes et al. (2010)32 647 MINI Not reported ≥ 2 Past month 6.3%
Wrenn et al. (2011)33 767 PSS Not reported “A categorical variable that serves as a proxy for PTSD was created based on DSM-IV A-E criterion responses to the PSS questionnaire (A, presence of trauma; B, presence of at least 1 intrusive symptoms; C, presence of at lease 3 avoidance/numbing symptoms; and D, presence of at least 2 hyperarousal symptoms; and E, present for at least 1 month).” Past month 30%
Vera et al. (2012)34 3,568 PC-PTSD Not reported 3+ Past month 14%
Bunevicius et al. (2014)35 988 MINI Not reported Not reported Past two weeks 2%
Preville et al. (2014)36 1,765 PTSS Scale 7.5 (9.6) 10 6-months 11.1%
Bener et al. (2015)37 1475 Arabic WMH-CIDI-10 (verson 3.0) N/A N/A Past month 10.5%
Special Risk Populations (Refugee/Immigrant)
Eisenman et al. (2003)38 512 PCL-C Not reported Not reported Past month 12.5% (18% if exposed to violence, 8% if not exposed)
Eytan et al. (2007)39 101 Adapted MINI 1st criteria 83%, 2nd criteria 59%, 3rd avoidance 28%, 4th criteria 24%, 5th criteria 24% Not reported Past month 23.8%
Aragona et al. (2013)40 391 Harvard Trauma Questionnaire Not reported 2.5 Past month 10.2%
Dobie et al. (2002)41 282 CAPS N/A N/A Past month 36%
Mori et al. (2003)42 309 BAI-PC BAI-PC mean 4.27 range 0-21 BAI-PC cutoff 5 and above; PCL ≥50 “Current PTSD” 12%
Prins et al. (2003)43 167 CAPS N/A N/A Past month 24.5%
Escalona et al. (2004)44 264 (134 veterans and 130 non-veteran controls) CIDI N/A N/A Lifetime 27%
Magruder et al. (2005)45 746 CAPS N/A N/A Past month 11.5%
Spiro et al. (2006)46 2,262 PCL-M PTSD+ M=56.1, SD=12.3, range 31-85 (does not list these measures for the group as a whole) Not reported Past month 20%
Seal et al. (2007)47 103,788 Medical record review, ICD-9 code N/A N/A Diagnosis present in the medical record 13%
Funderburk et al. (2008)48 10,043 PC-PTSD Not reported ≥3 means “at risk” Past month 3.5%
Kinder et al. (2008)50 35,715 ICD-9 or self-report N/A N/A Lifetime 12.1%
Andersen et al. (2010)51 4,416 Medical record review, ICD-9 dx by primary care provider N/A N/A Past month symptoms, screen given yearly, diagnosed within 6 years of the study 14.5%
Haskell et al. (2010)52 1,129 PC-PTSD Not reported ≥3 means “at risk” Past month 31.1% (33% male; 21% female)
McDevitt-Murphy et al. (2010)53 151 PCL-M Not reported 50 Past month 39.1%
Zivin et al. (2010)54 2,536,727 Medical record review, dx method not reported N/A N/A Diagnosis present in the medical record 4.2%
Mitchell et al. (2014)55 492 Medical record review, ICD-9 code N/A N/A Diagnosis present in the medical record 26.8%
Mohanty et al. (2015)56 78,435 Medical record review, ICD-9 code N/A N/A Diagnosis present in the medical record 29.2%
Trivedi et al. (2015)57 4,461,208 Medical record review, ICD-9 code N/A N/A Diagnosis present in the medical record 9%
Wingenfeld et al. (2015)58 613 CAPS N/A N/A Past month and lifetime 32.5% 48.8%

Abbreviations: BAI-PC: Beck Anxiety Inventory-Primary Care; BPHQ: Brief Patient Health Questionnaire; CAPS: Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale; CIDI: Composite International Diagnostic Interview; DIS-IV: diagnostic interview schedule for DSM-IV; DSM-IV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fourth edition; Dx: diagnosis; ICD-9: International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; IES: Impact of Event Scale; MINI: Mini-international Neuropsychological Interview; PC-PTSD: Primary Care PTSD Screen; PCL-C: PTSD checklist-civilian; PCL-M: PTSD checklist-military; PTSS: Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome; PCL: PTSD checklist; PTSD: Posttraumatic stress disorder; PTSS-10: Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome-10; SCID: Structured Clinical Interview; VA: Veterans Affairs; WMH: World Mental Health