Lesson 1: |
Benefits of emotional awareness: better emotional control, better relationships, coping, quality of life, decision-making
Emotional responses: Triggers, sensations, emotions; and behavior
Definition ofalexithymia
Emotional vocabulary Part I: vague emotions versus specific emotions; presentation of some common emotions, their definitions, and synonyms that participants are asked to use in sentences.
Lesson 2: |
Review of Emotional vocabulary Part I
Emotional vocabulary Part II: presentation of more common emotions, their definitions, and synonyms that participants are asked to use in sentences.
Differentiating emotions from thoughts, actions and physical sensations.
Lesson 3: |
Physical sensation awareness, emotional arousal, and association to emotions (Part I);Exercises to increase awareness of heart rate, body temperature, breathing, body movement and overall emotional arousal (e.g. Body scan)
Lesson 4: |
Physical sensation awareness and association to emotions (Part II)
Multiple emotions, differentiating emotions, and emotions beyond anger
Lessons 5–8 |
Simulated first person point of view emotional scenarios, followed by discussions of thoughts, desired actions, physical sensations, and emotional responses in response to the scenarios. Afterwards, participants described similar personal events and their emotions, thoughts, actions and feelings response. |