Figure 3.
Transport properties of La-doped BaTiO3films. Temperature dependence of (a) resistivity, (b) carrier density, and (c) mobility for La-BTO films from [n]/Ti = 0.64% to 8.8%. Closed triangles in (a) denote the transition temperature from the non-polar phase to the polar phase determined by XRD and open triangles denote the kink temperature where the slope of resistivity as a function of Tchanges. (d) Phase diagram of the films. Non-polar to polar transition temperatures determined by XRD shown as closed circles and by SHG shown as open circles are plotted with the counter plot of differentiation of ρ(Τ), dρ/dΤ. A phase: paraelectric metal, B phase: polar metal, and C phase: polar insulator are indicated.