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. 2017 May 25;9(5):4370–4377. doi: 10.19082/4370

Table 3.

Relationship of outcome to various characteristics

Variable Outcome p -value*
Non-survivors (n=131) Survivors (n=162)
Age (months) Mean ± SD 28.0±35.2 26.5±33.8 0.3
Median 8.0 9.0
Age groups n (%) < 1 year 71 54.2 82 50.6 0.6
1 – 6 years 44 33.6 63 38.9 0.4
> 6 years 16 12.2 17 10.5 0.7
Sex n (%) Male 69 52.7 93 57.4 0.5
Female 62 47.3 69 42.6
PRISM III on admission Mean ± SD 23.7±11.6 8.2±3.9 <0.001
Median 20.0 8.0
Cause n (%) Medical 118 90.1 151 93.2 0.4
Surgical 13 9.9 11 6.8
Reason for admission n, % Neurological 40 30.5 61 37.7 0.2
Respiratory 19 14.5 46 28.4 0.005
Cardiac 33 25.2 21 13.0 0.010
Sepsis 24 18.3 10 6.2 0.002
Neuromuscular disease 4 3.1 12 7.4 0.1
Renal 4 3.1 2 1.2 0.4
Post-operative 0 0.0 2 1.2 0.5
Others 7 5.3 8 4.9 1.0
Reason for initiation of ventilation n, % Neurologic 47 35.9 67 41.4 0.4
Respiratory failure 19 14.5 52 32.1 0.001
Cardiovascular failure 37 28.2 21 13.0 0.002
Sepsis 24 18.3 10 6.2 0.002
Neuromuscular 4 3.1 12 7.4 0.1
FIO2/PaO2 n (%) < 200 59 45.0 51 31.5 0.02
200–300 38 29.0 78 48.1 0.001
> 300 34 26.0 33 20.4 0.3
ARDS n, % Yes 19 14.5 7 4.3 0.003
No 112 85.5 155 95.7
Airways n, % Endotracheal tube 131 100.0 158 97.5 0.1
Tracheostomy 0 0.0 4 2.5
Mechanical ventilation duration n, % Mean ± SD 8.5±6.9 17.5±19.5 <0.001
Median 7.0 10.0
Complications n, % Yes 64 48.9 53 32.7 0.006
No 67 51.1 109 67.3
VAP (%) Yes 47 35.9 33 20.4 0.004
No 84 64.1 129 79.6
Pneumothorax n, % Yes 19 14.5 12 7.4 0.06
No 112 85.5 150 92.6
Atelectasis n, % Yes 3 2.3 10 6.2 0.2
No 128 97.7 152 93.8
PES n, % Yes 3 2.3 4 2.5 1.0
No 128 97.7 158 97.5
MODS§ n, % Yes 98 74.8 23 14.2 <0.001
No 33 25.2 139 85.8

p value less than 0.05 is significant,

VAP: ventilator-associated pneumonia,

PES: post extubation stridor,


MODS: multiple organ dysfunction syndrome