Figure 1.
Arteriographic images of a 76-year-old patient having lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia who underwent bilateral prostatic artery embolization. Arteriograms obtained on both pelvic sides before (a, b, d, and e) and after (c and f) embolization under AP (b and e) and ipsilateral oblique views (a, c, d, and f) showing the bilateral prostatic arteries (arrows). The left prostatic artery originated from the inferior gluteal artery (arrowheads, a), and the right one originated from the internal pudendal artery (arrowheads, d). In the parenchymal phase of prostatic arteriography, prostate glands (asterisks, b and e) are opacified by bilateral prostatic arteries. After embolization using 300–500 μm microspheres, the bilateral prostatic arteries were successfully embolized (c and f).