Gel photograph of polymerase chain reaction assays targeting Arcobacter putative virulence genes; Lane M: Molecular weight marker (100 bp); L1-6: Positive control of Arcobacter butzleri (ATCC 49616) carrying all 6 putative virulence genes, i.e., cadF (283 bp), tlyA (230 bp), ciaB (284 bp), cj1349 (659 bp), pldA (293 bp), and mviN (294 bp); L7: Negative control; L8: A. butzleri isolate with cadF (283 bp) gene; L9: Arcobacter cryaerophilus isolate with cadF (283 bp) gene; L10: A. butzleri isolate with tlyA (230 bp) gene; L11: Arcobacter skirrowii isolate with tlyA (230 bp) gene; L12: A. butzleri isolate with ciaB (284 bp) gene; L13: A. cryaerophilus isolate with ciaB (284 bp) gene; L14: A. butzleri isolate with cj1349 (659 bp) gene; L15: A. skirrowii isolate with cj1349 (659 bp) gene; L16: A. butzleri isolate with pldA (293 bp) gene; L17: A. cryaerophilus isolate with pldA (293 bp) gene; L18: A. butzleri isolate with mviN (294 bp) gene; L19: A. skirrowii isolate with mviN (294 bp) gene.