Figure 2. Relevant structures of Bi1−xNdxFeO3.
(a) The antiferroelectric orthorhombic Pnma phase (AFE phase), characterized by the anti-polar distortions along the pseudo-cubic [110] direction, and oxygen octahedral tiltings (a−a−c+ in Glazer notations14). (b) The ferroelectric R3c phase (R phase), characterized by polar distortions and anti-phase tiltings about the [111] direction (a−a−a−). (c) The ferroelectric tetragonal P4mm phase (T phase), characterized by polar distortions along the [001] direction and no tiltings (a0a0c0). (d) The ferroelectric Amm2 orthorhombic phase (O phase), characterized by polar distortions along the [110] direction and no tiltings (a0a0c0). The VESTA code is used for the visualization43. Arrows represent local electric dipoles.