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. 2017 Jun 21;2017:9060124. doi: 10.1155/2017/9060124

Table 9.

Acronyms list.

Acronym Definition
AD Alzheimer's disease
HC Healthy control
MR(I) Magnetic resonance (imaging)
DTCWT Dual-tree complex wavelet transform
PCA Principal component analysis
FNN Feed-forward neural network
DWT Discrete wavelet transform
OASIS Open Access Series of Imaging Studies
MMSE Mini mental state examination
CDR Clinical dementia rating
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio
VBM Voxel-based morphometry
RF Random forest
DF Displacement field
SVM Support vector machine
EB Eigenbrain
WTT Welch's t-test
RBF Radial basis function
BRC Brain region cluster
IG Information gain
KNN k-nearest neighbor
ANN Artificial neural network
SCV Stratified cross-validation