Figure 6.
Model of prefrontal–hippocampal interactions in memory. (a) The PFC receives direction projections from the vHPC (in rats; anterior HPC in humans) and projects indirectly (via the perirhinal and entorhinal cortices) to the HPC. In this model, when one is cued by context to recall memories, contextual cues are processed by the vHPC, which sends this information to the PFC, which then biases the retrieval of the context-appropriate memories in the dHPC. (b) Direction of the flow of information was determined by correlating the amplitude of the theta rhythm in the HPC and PFC across a range of time shifts between the two signals. These correlations reveal that during the exploration of the spatial context, information processing in the HPC leads that in the PFC, whereas during the sampling of the objects, the flow of information reverses, such that the PFC leads the HPC. Abbreviations: dHPC, dorsal hippocampus; HPC, hippocampus; PFC, prefrontal cortex; vHPC, ventral hippocampus.