Figure 2. Electrode placement for L5-S1 left facet cyst.
Left side (L) on intraoperative fluoroscopy. Left side (L) and right side (R) on axial MRI scan.
A: Axial T2 MRI showing cyst medial to facet on left side (L) in lateral recess (solid white arrows). High intensity fluid in adjacent facet joint (dashed white arrows).
B: Intraoperative film with myelogram contrast showing defect to left (L) corresponding to location of cyst seen on MRI in (A). First RF electrode directed into facet cyst (solid white arrow).
C: Second RF electrode placed in cyst below the initial RF electrode (solid white arrows).
D: Oblique film showing RF electrodes in L5-S1 facet joint and capsule (dashed white arrows).