SOX2 can functionally replace SOX3 in the testes. (A) Gross morphology of Sox3+/Y, Sox3KO/Y and Sox3Sox2KI/Y 4-week testes. (B) Quantification of testes weight at 4 and 8 weeks old [at least 18 testes were weighed for each genotype, and results were compared using one way ANOVA multiple comparisons with Bonferroni’s correction (****<0.0001, ns, not significant)]. (C) DAPI staining of Sox3+/Y, Sox3KO/Y and Sox3Sox2KI 4 week old testes. Asterisks indicate empty tubules. (D) Sperm counts from 8-week Sox3+/Y, Sox3KO/Y and Sox3Sox2KI/Y epididymis [at least 14 samples were counted for each genotype, and results were compared using one way ANOVA multiple comparisons with Bonferroni’s correction (****<0.0001, **<0.01 ns, not significant)].