Table 1. The results of ROSI with spermatids from males with a single or no Y-chromosome genes.
Male genotype | Y gene contribution | Males with round spermatids (%) (no.) |
Males yielding progeny | Live offspring (%) (no.) |
XEOSox9 | Eif2s3y | 80 (8/10) | 7/8 | 15.7 (18/115) |
XOSry,Eif2s3x | Sry | 55 (17/31) | 16/17 | 22.5 (57/253) |
XOSox9,Eif2s3x | None | 27 (13/48)a | 9/10 | 20.7 (46/222) |
XY control | Intact Y | 100 (6/6) | 6/6 | 25.0 (22/88) |
Statistical significance (Fisher’s exact test, P < 0.05):
Different from all others.