ATSC, BMSC and SKSC were able to differentiate into Schwan cells as the majority of the cells were stained with anti-S100β antibody (a-c) and a small amount of S100β+ cells was also stained with anti-MBP (red) and anti-P0 (green) antibodies (d-f). Quantitative RT-PCR for S100β, PMP22, MBP and P0 confirmed the results obtained by immunofluorescences, at mRNA level (g-j). The three cell types were also able to differentiate into melanocytes stained with anti-TYRP1 antibody (k-m), which was confirmed at mRNA level based on quantitative RT-PCR for MITF (n) and TYRP2 (o). Finally, neuronal differentiation was assessed using anti-NeuN (green) and anti-Neurofilament (green) antibodies (p-r). Data were normalized using SKSC undifferentiated cells expression level set as 1. Statistical analysis: one way ANOVA followed by HSD post hoc test. * means p<0.05, ** means p<0.005, *** means p<0.0005. (Scale bars a, b, c, d, e, f, p, q and r = 50μm; Scale bars k, l,and m 20μm).