Template intrinsic connectivity network (ICN) maps generated by gRAICAR using the NKI-RS sample. For the purpose of visualization, these template maps are rendered onto fsaverage standard surfaces from lateral (Lat), medial (Med), posterior (Pos), anterior (Ant) views in Freesurfer for both left (LH) and right (RH) hemispheres and thresholded at | Z| > 1. The Z-value here is the original intensity of the maps from gRAICAR (i.e., weighted z-scores given by MELODIC), instead of the value after spatial standardization. These ICN templates are labeled with different colorful circles and numbers at the center of the circles, representing: the primary visual cortex (medial occipital lobe, ICN01), bilateral primary motor network (ICN02), the default mode network (ICN03), the lateral posterior occipital cortex (ICN04), the right-lateralized frontal-parietal network (ICN05), bilateral ends of the central sulcus (ICN06), the precuneus-dorsal posterior cingulate network (ICN07), the left-lateralized frontal-parietal network (ICN08), the dorsal precuneus-bilateral angular gyri network (ICN09), the anterior cingulate-dorsal prefrontal-angular gyri network (ICN10), the dorsal precuneus-bilateral temporal network (ICN11), and the bilateral superior temporal-inferior frontal network (ICN12).