Iron loading into Rnr2 protein depends on the mitochondrial ISC system and cytosolic Grx3/4 proteins but not the CIA machinery.
A and B, wild-type (WT), GalNFS1, GalATM1, GalDRE2, GalCFD1, GalNBP35, GalNAR1, and Gal-GRX4grx3Δ cells were grown in a synthetic iron-free medium containing glucose (GAL-off) for 40 h or 64 h (26) before being radiolabeled with 55FeCl3 for 2 h. After 55Fe incorporation, the Rnr2 (A) and Leu1 (B) proteins were immunoprecipitated with specific polyclonal antibodies. Incorporation of 55Fe into Rnr2 and Leu1 was quantified by scintillation counting. Values are given as means ± S.D. (n ≥ 3). C, comparison of protein levels of Rnr2, Leu1, as well as individual ISC and CIA components in wild-type (WT), GalNFS1, GalATM1, GalDRE2, GalCFD1, GalNBP35, GalNAR1, and Gal-GRX4grx3Δ mutant cells by Western blot. The protein blot was also probed with anti-Porin as a loading control.