Figure 3. Analysis of expansion merozoite surface proteins.
( A) BLAST-based graph of all the merozoite surface proteins (MSP), (cut-off 20% global similarity). The different MSP types form clusters, apart from MSP3 which seem to be more diverse. ( B) Maximum likelihood tree (PROTGAMMAJTTF model, bootstrap at all branches in 100) of MSP3 and 2 laverania MSP6, shows species complex specific expansions in some species. The expansion was pre-speciation of P. cynomolgi and P. vivax. We also observe a MSP3 expansion in P. cynomolgi. “*” indicates an expansion of MSP3 in P. cynomolgi. ( C) As in ( B), but with MSP7 and MSP7. The tree is more complex, showing different types of MSP7. Some clades have a similar structure to MSP3, with specific expansions. “*” highlights a cluster containing MSP7 from parasites that have the hypnozoite stage.