Fig. 3.
Duplication and deletion of arrestin paralogs within basal deuterostomes. a - Species tree of basal deuterostomes with mapped duplication events of arrestins (dots). b - Schematic arrestin gene tree for vertebrates (square in A). A cross indicates a gene loss. New gene names are given above the dot or branch. The gene loss/ duplication pattern was simplified for bony fish (bf), see Fig. 6, Fig. 8 and Additional file 1: Figure S13 for details. The completeness of arrestin annotations in the respective genomes is depicted with three stars indicating 0-3 missing exons, two stars 4-8 missing exons, one star more than 8 missing exons and dash (-) that no gene fragments were detected. Additional support from other omics-data for cartilaginous fishes and jawless fishes and from experimentally validated genbank entries is indicated by the following abbreviations: T - transcriptome evidence, P - protein evidence. The hash (#) indicates the number of frame shift mutations contained in the exon annotation. Note that the order of cyclostome-specific and cartilaginous fish-specific duplications in relation to each other was chosen arbitrarily. An additional non-visual arrestin detected in the germline genome of river lamprey was not included in the scenario (see Additional file 1: Appendix 1). Phylogenetic trees were created with Treegraph 2.0.54 [114]