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. 2017 Jul 6;17:163. doi: 10.1186/s12862-017-1001-4

Table 1.

Positively selected residues detected with the BEB method

Foreground branch BEB sites Homologous position in cow paralog Function known from homologs SDP?
ARR0.1 sea urchins S76 N83 Second neighboring to receptor binding residue x
E95 E102 - x
K116 K157 Low affinity IP6 binding site x
N121 N162 Neighboring to low affinity IP6 binding site x
N184 N225 Second neighboring to receptor binding residue -
C201 C242 Receptor binding x
N296 N382 Second neighboring to clathrin binding site -
ARR0.2 sea urchins K82 P89 Neighboring to PxxP motif -
SAG.1 ghost shark K2 K2 - na
V106 P134 Neighboring to receptor binding residue na
N114 R171 Phosphate sensor na
T128 G185 Neighboring to PxxP motif na
N160 G217 - na
H205 E262 Receptor binding na
Q248 N305 Second neighboring to polar core na
V277 T334 Second neighboring to high affinity IP6 binding site na
S27 G27 Second neighboring to receptor binding residue na
SAGb teleost V14 V35 Second neighboring to polar core x
R126 W194 Receptor binding -
SAGb Acanthopterygii P72 P93 Neighboring to PxxP motif na
A112 A180 Neighboring to PxxP motif na
D142 S210 - na
ARR3b Euteleosteomorpha Y42 M55 Neighboring to mu2 adaptin binding site x
C150 F254 Neighboring to receptor binding residue x

The branch-site model of the PAML package was used to identify sites under positive selection in the specified foreground branch. The position in column two refers to the position within the group alignment, while the homologous position in cow serves as a reference. The position in ARR0 is given in respect to ARRB1 in cow. The function assignment is based on literature review. See Additional file 6 for further details. Positions that were also identified as specificity determining position (SDP), are marked by a cross. SDP were not determined for all subgroups as indicated by “na”