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. 2017 Apr 27;12(5):e1322245. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2017.1322245

Table 1.

Key flowering genes in orchids.

Orchids Gene Name Accession No. Homologa Refsb
Phalaenopsis PaFT1 KJ609179 The PaFT1 protein showed 70%, 76% and 89% identity to Arabidopsis FT (BAA77838), rice Hd3a (BAB61030), and Oncidium orchid OnFT (ACC59806), respectively. 32
Oncidium OnFT KJ909968 OnFT cDNA encodes a 176 amino acid protein that shows 70% and 79% identity to Arabidopsis FT (AT1G65480) and rice Hd3a (Os06g0157700), respectively. 33
Cymbidium CgFT HM120863 The CgFT protein was 94% with OnFT (EU583502) from Oncidium Gower Ramsey, 79% with Hd3a (BAB61028.1) from Oryza sativa, and 74% with FT (BAA77838.1) from Arabidopsis thaliana. 42
Cypripedium CfFT CFTC014733 The partial CfFT align 155 amino acids and showed 82.58% identity to wheat TaFT (ABK32205). Orch
Phalaenopsis PaFD KJ609180 PaFD protein shows 34.7% identity to Arabidopsis FD (AT4G35900). 32
Dendrobium DnFD DNTC011756 The partial DnFD align 169 amino acids and showed 65.1% and 32.2% identity to Phalaenopsis FD (KJ609180) and Arabidopsis FD (AT4G35900), respectively. Vect
Phalaenopsis PhalCOL FJ469986 The PhalCOL protein showed 46% and 45% identity to Arabidopsis COL4 (Q940T9.2) and rice Hd1 (ABB17664), respectively. 31
Cymbidium CeCOL CETC010739 The CeCOL protein showed 84.5%, 34.9%, and 36.3% identity to Phalaenopsis COL (FJ469986), Arabidopsis CO (AT5G15840) and rice Hd1 (Os06g0275000), respectively. Vect
Cypripedium CfFLC CFTC002458 The partial CfFLC align 145 amino acids and showed 45.5% identity to Arabidopsis FLC (AT5G10140) and 41.2% with wheat TaAGL33 (ABF57950). Orch
Oncidium OgFLC OGTC046040 The partial OgFLC align 145 amino acids and showed 44.8% identity to Arabidopsis FLC (AT5G10140) and 38.6% with wheat TaAGL33 (ABF57950).. Orch
Cypripedium CfVRN2 CFTC009002 The partial CfVRN2 align 106 amino acids and showed 50% identity to wheat VRN2 (AAS58481). Orch
Phalaenopsis PmVRN2 PMTC002168 The partial PmVRN2 align 142 amino acids and showed 41.55% identity to wheat VRN2 (AAS58481). Orch
Dendrobium DOSOC1 KC121576 DOSOC1 shared 52% sequence identity with Arabidopsis SOC1 (AT2G45660), and 57% identity to Oryza sativa OsSOC1 (Os03g0122600). 39
Phalaenopsis PlSOC1 PLTC039163 PlSOC1 shared 87.9%, 48.4%, and 54.3% identity to Dendrobium (KC121576), Arabidopsis (AT2G45660) and rice (Os03g0122600), respectively. Vect
Dendrobium DnAGL19 KU373056 DnAGL19 protein shows 48% identity to Arabidopsis AGL19 (AT4G22950). 4
Oncidium OnTFL1 KM233713 OnTFL1 encodes a 173 amino acid protein that shows 71% and 79% identity to Arabidopsis TFL1 (AT5G03840) and rice OsFDR1 (AF159883), respectively. 33
Vanilloideae VpTFL1 VPTC023176 The partial VpTFL1 align 160 amino acids and showed 81.8%, 69.9%, and 83.6% identity to Oncidium TFL1 (KM233713), Arabidopsis TFL1 (AT5G03840) and rice FDR1 (AF159883), respectively. Vect
Cymbidium CfAPl1 JQ031272.1 CfAPl1 shared 45% sequence identity with Arabidopsis AP1 (AT1G69120), and 52% identity to Oryza sativa OsMADS14 (Os03g0752800). 43
Phalaenopsis PsAP1 PSTC034274 The PsAP1 protein showed 55.8%, 47.6% and 58.3% identity to Cymbidium AP11 (JQ031272.1), Arabidopsis AP1 (AT1G69120) and rice MADS14 (Os03g0752800), respectively. Vect
Doritaenopsis DnVRN1 DNTC013820 The partial DnVRN1 align 251 amino acids and showed 61.75% identity to wheat VRN1 (AAZ76881). Orch
Phalaenopsis PaVRN1 PATC201550 The partial PaVRN1 align 250 amino acids and showed 60.4% identity to wheat VRN1 (AAZ76881). Orch
Cymbidium ChLFY AGE45851 The ChLFY protein showed 51% and 48% identity to Arabidopsis LFY (AT5G61850) and rice RFL (Os04g0598300), respectively. Vect
Phalaenopsis PhalLFY FJ469985 PhalLFY protein has 60% identity to rice RFL (BAA21547), 54% identity to Arabidopsis LFY (NP_200993), and a high identity with LFY (68% and 67%) from Anacamptis (BAC55081) and Orchis (BAC54955), respectively. 44
Phalaenopsis PhapLFY KP893636 PhapLFY protein has 78.5% identity to ChLFY (AGE45851), a Cymbidium orchid LFY homolog, 53.2% identity to RFL (BAA21547), a rice LFY homolog, and 47.0% identity to Arabidopsis LFY (AAM27941). 35
Doritaenopsis DhEFL2 KP728997 DhEFL homologs showed that DhEFL4 (KP010003) and DhEFL2 (KP728997) are similar with 72% identical amino acids, whereas DhEFL3 (KP728998) is divergent with 72% similarity with DhEFL2 and 68% similarity with DhEFL4. 45
Doritaenopsis DhEFL3 KP728998 The DhEFL3 protein showed 31.4% identity to Arabidopsis ELF4 (AT2G40080). Vect
Doritaenopsis DhEFL4 KP010003 The DhEFL4 protein showed 37% identity to Arabidopsis ELF4(AT2G40080). Vect
Phalaenopsis PsEhd1 PSTC018079 The partial PsEhd1 align 266 amino acids and showed 40% identity to rice Ehd1 (Os10g0463400). Orch
Cymbidium CsEhd1 CSTC008880 The partial CsEhd1 align 263 amino acids and showed 49.5% identity to rice Ehd1 (Os10g0463400). Orch

The homology is based on each reference and Orchidstra 2.0, a transcriptome database of orchid species ( Amino acid sequences of flowering in Arabidopsis, rice and wheat were obtained from GenBank ( and Orchidstra 2.0.


Orch, homology gained through Orchidstra 2.0; Vect, homology gained by analysis using Vector NTI program.