Figure 5. Scaling of EHM for heart repair.
(a) Technical drawings of the EHM patch manufacturing devices: (top left) 3D-printed patch holder with flexible poles; (top right) inverted patch holder positioned in hexagonal casting mold; (bottom) top view on patch holder for small and large EHM patch with dimensions in mm. (b) Display of different EHM designs (from left to right): small (1.5×106 cells/500 μl) and big (2.5×106 cells/900 μl) loops, fusion of five big loops according to technology reported earlier for rat42, small (10×106 cells/2 ml) and clinical-sized large (40×106 cells/8 ml) patch. (c) Overview and 90° projections of an immunostained (f-actin in green) small EHM patch (image stitched together from 24× 850×850 μm tiles); boxed areas magnified on right for a demonstration of cell orientation. Bars: 5 mm (overview) and 1 mm (magnifications). (d) Explanted rat heart 4 weeks after epicardial implantation of an EHM patch in a RNU rat; bar: 1 cm. (e) Overview of human EHM on rat heart, immunostaining of human MYH7 (red), dashed line outlines the human EHM; bar: 500 μm. (f) Immunostaining of human EHM 107 days after implantation, cardiac troponin T (red), sarcomeric actinin (green), nuclei (blue); bar: 100 μm. (g) Immunostaining of CD31 (white) and human specific β1-integrin (red); bar: 500 μm.