Table 1.
Intervention | Target population | Brief description |
Quit Smoking 2.0 [33] | Smokers (≥18 years, smoker of cigarettes and/or loose-cut tobacco and intending to quit within a year or sooner) | One 7-to-9 page computer-tailored email letter, based on I-Change Model, addressing motivational and postmotivational factors. |
Stay Quit For You (SQ4U) [34,35] | Smokers 18-65 years, smoked daily, willing to set a quit date within 1 month, and motivated to quit smoking | The action planning (AP) program provided tailored feedback at baseline and invited respondents to do 6 preparatory and coping planning assignments (the first 3 assignments prior to quit date and the final 3 assignments after quit date). The action planning plus (AP+) program was an extended version of the AP program that also provided tailored feedback at 11 time points after the quit attempt. |
Personal Advice in Stopping smoking (PAS) [22,36] | Smokers (Dutch adults) with intention to stop smoking within 6 months | A Web-based computer-tailored smoking cessation intervention with 4 sessions, based on I-Change Model. |
Smoke Alerta [37] | Nonsmoker or former smoker; 10 and 20 years; having computer/Internet literacy; having sufficient command of Dutch; no previous exposure to the earlier version of Smoke Alert | Web-based computer-tailored smoking prevention and cessation intervention for adolescents. Based on an intervention shown to be effective [33]. Website intervention providing one-time feedback after filling in a questionnaire. |
Support to Quit (STQ) [38-41] | Smokers motivated to stop smoking and aged 18 years | Web-based text and a Web-based video-driven computer-tailored approach for low and high SES smokers, this incorporates 3 to 6 computer-tailored feedback moments with the aim to support smoking cessation. |
Attentional Bias Modification (ABM)a [32] | Smokers aged 18-65 years, reporting smoking on a daily basis for at least 1 year and not having made a quit attempt yet | Online 6 sessions of ABM training with the aim to reduce attentional bias and induce more distant generalization effects regarding approach bias and success in quitting. |
a Currently available on the Internet.