Table 4.
Intervention | Provider | Target population | Static? |
De StopSite (The QuitSite)a | Luchtsignaal | Smokers aged ≥18 years | Interactive |
uQuit.nla | Universiteit Nijmegen, VU Amsterdam, and IVO | Smokers / student smokers | Interactive |
Tabakstop (Tobaccostop) | Stichting tegen kanker | Smokers | Interactive |
ExSmokers (iCoach)a | European Commission | Smokers | Interactive |
Stoppen met roken (Smoking cessation) | Pfizer | Smokers | Interactive |
Roken de Baas (Boss of your smoking)a | Tactus Verslavingszorg | Smokers | Interactive |
CZ Stoppen met roken coach (CZ smoking cessation coach)a | CZ | Smokers | Interactive |
Stoppen met roken (Smoking cessation)a | Minddistrict | Smokers | Interactive |
StopExperta | ExaCare | Smokers | Interactive |
Online zelfhulp tabak (Online self-help tobacco)a | Jellinek | Smokers | Interactive |
Stoppen met roken, in één dag van het roken af (Smoking cessation, quit in one day)a | De opluchting | Smokers | Interactive |
Wat doe je om te stoppen met roken? De PZP helpt (What do you do to quit smoking? PZP helps) | PZP | Smokers with an insurance for the police (PZP) | Interactive |
Home Roken—Ja (Home Smoking—Yes) | Victas | Smokers | Interactive |
Training stoppen met roken—Kentra (Training smoking cessation—Kentra) | Kentra | Smokers | Interactive |
stoppen met roken (smoking cessation) | iLifecoach | iLifeCoach | Smokers | Interactive |
Online cursus stoppen met roken | Zo stop je wel (Online course smoking cessation | You’ll quit like this) | | Smokers | Interactive |
Stoppen met roken (Smoking cessation) | | Smokers | Static | ( | | Smokers | Static |
Ik stop! (I quit!) | | Smokers | Static | met Roken (—Smoking cessation) | | Smokers | Static |
Stoppen met roken (Smoking cessation) | Nederlands Huisartsengenootschap | Smokers | Static |
Stoppen met roken (Smoking cessation) | Medical Media BV | Smokers | Static |
Hoe kan ik stoppen met roken? (How can I quit smoking?) | Stichting | Smokers | Static | ( | Trimbos Instituut | Smokers | Static |
Ex rokers (Former smokers) | Ex rokers | Smokers | Static |
Tips stoppen met roken (Tips to quit smoking) | Christelijke Mutualiteit | Smokers | Static |
Hoe kan ik stoppen met roken? (How to quit smoking?) | GGD | Smokers | Static |
Ik Wil Stoppen Met Roken.NU (I Want To Quit Smoking.NOW)a | Ik Wil Stoppen Met Roken.NU | Smokers | Static |
Welkom bij de stoppen met roken test! (Welcome to the smoking cessation test)a | ProStop | Smokers | Static |
soChicken | soChicken | Smokers | Static |
Waarom stoppen met roken? (Why quit smoking?)—Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY | Watchtower | Jehovah’s Witnesses | Static |
Stoppen met Roken (Smoking cessation) | | Smokers | Static |
Stoppen met Roken? (Quit smoking?) | | Smokers | Static |
Stoptobera | Stoptoberb | Smokers | Static |
Stoppen met (Smoking | Stichting stop bewust | Smokers | Static |
Stoppen met roken-GGD Fryslan (Smoking cessation—CHS of Fryslan) | GGD | Smokers | Static |
Welkom bij (Welcome to smoking cessation) | NSSMR | Smokers | Static |
Stoppen met roken (Smoking cessation)—YouTube | Stichting Gezondheid | Smokers | Static | ( | Eric Eraly | Smokers | Static |
aMentioned by experts.
bStoptober: KWF Kankerbestrijding, Hartstichting, Longfonds, Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS), Trimbos Instituut, GGD GHOR Nederland, and Alliantie Nederland Rookvrij.