Figure 3. Axial and sagittal view of the central executive network.
(1) Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), (2) right DLPFC, (3) left DLPFC/frontal eye fields (FEF), (4) right DLPFC/FEF, (5) dorsal medial prefrontal cortex, (6) left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), (7) right VLPFC, (8) left orbital frontal insula, (9) right inferior frontal gyrus, (10) right inferior temporal, (11) left lateral parietal, (12) right lateral parietal, (13) left dorsal caudate, (14) right dorsal caudate, (15) right ventromedial caudate, (16) left anterior thalamus, (17) right anterior thalamus. Images were made with Surf Ice ( using the exact Montreal Neurologic Institute coordinate locations. Node depth is illustrated by transparency.